Tuesday, November 9, 2010

To Be an Artist

Title: To Be an Artist
Authors: Maya Ajmera and John D. Ivanko
Pictures: Global Fund for Children (Organization)
Type: Picture
Grade Level: K-3
Rating: 4 out of 5

Children across the world are artists.  Their cultures and the supplies available to them may differ but they are all partaking in the universal language of art.  Travel to 35 countries and see what art looks and sounds like to the children living there.

I always enjoy learning about different cultures.  It is interesting to see how they differ and yet how they are similar.  For the most part this book was a window for me.  It offered me views of completely different worlds with their different cultures. The book shows the children doing the same kind of activity but in different ways.  We all love art and it comes in all shapes, sizes and sounds.

This would definitely be an interesting book to have in the classroom.  It opened my eyes to several things and I'm sure it would do the same with my students.  You could open up a unit on art around the world with this book.  Each student or group of students could be assigned one of the countries from the book.  They would do further research and then present their findings to the class.  Then as a whole we would do an art activity from that country.  The students would learn about other countries and gain an appreciation from the differences and similarities.

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